tempus fugit. time flies. it is said that time flies especially when you are having fun. well, i must be having more fun than i can handle, because time for me is soaring at breakneck speed.
it's been two months since i last posted here. i was excited about the summer, and now here i am, what feels like two weeks later, posting about the fact that summer is now over, and my kids are back in school.
time flies.
but it gets worse. it's not just that the summer whizzed by, but that the years themselves are zooming past at an accelerated clip. our oldest son starts high school today. HIGH SCHOOL. tempus freaking fugit.
seriously, though, the pace is breathtaking. it feels like only a few short years ago that i was writing about his first day of kindergarten, and now he's going to be a freshman in high school!?! back then, i was worried about what i couldn't control. and, to be honest, i still am. none of them are wearing a batman backpack anymore. now they carry bigger backpacks for bigger books and learn bigger things and deal with bigger problems. i still worry, sure. but i also have bigger hopes than ever before. i have bigger expectations and dreams and, as much as i wouldn't have believed it if you told me then, i have an even bigger heart than i did when he started kindergarten, overflowing with unstoppable love for these little students.
so here's to another great year. may it be full of joys and friends and discoveries and all the good kinds of struggles and challenges that make you stronger. and may we all figure out a way to enjoy it every day, because it is passing us by at breakneck speed. tempus fugit.