after a particularly memorable children's sermon by Miss Kim on sunday morning, Quinton felt inspired to do one of his own. at dinner on sunday night (scrambled eggs and scrapple - that's a whole 'nother story), he informed us that he would like to do the children's sermon at church. we told him that he should practice, and show us how he would do it.
so he got a microphone, and got started. he said good morning to us, and when we responded in kind, he said, "i think we could say it a little louder than that!" so we said good morning even louder. that seemed to satisfy him, so he jumped right into the message. Miss Kim had used an apple as an object lesson, talking about where apples come from and how many different kinds there are, etc. following suit, Quinton began by talking about his eggs. he told us about how he liked to eat eggs, and how he likes ketchup with them and so forth. finally, Shannon asked him what this had to do with God, and he got to the point:
Quinton: well, God made the seeds, which grew into the egg trees.
Greg: wait...what? eggs grow on trees?
Quinton: yes. and, um, on bushes. and plants.
Shannon: huh. i thought eggs came from chickens.
Quinton: no. 'cup of noodles' comes from chickens. you can tell 'cause of the chicken on the box.
then he prayed: lord bless us. amen.
so, once again, he's got his facts pretty mixed up, but his theology is pretty sound. "every good and perfect gift comes from above," says the book of james. however the eggs get to us, Quinton knows that they are a gift from God. and so are cups of noodles. how the chickens make those things, with the sliced carrots and bits of corn and peas? who knows? but God blesses us with every good thing. that much is certain.