there was a football game played last night. i wanted both teams to lose, but i wanted one to lose much more than the other one. i watched the first half, and then i watched beyonce squirming and gyrating half-naked all over the country's televisions, and then shannon and i, instead of watching this, which would have caused me some sort of life-threatening illness, i'm sure:
turned the game off and put it in the first disc of season one of this:
that's right. instead of watching grown men bludgeon one another, we watched british people talk about each other behind their backs. it was...brilliant. and i didn't have to watch a bunch of these guys dancing around in tight pants and visions of plea bargains still dancing in their heads:
and now life goes on. at least the 49ers still have less super bowl victories than the steelers. and the ravens? well, they'll still be the ravens. and i will still pray that God will help me find a way to let the love i believe in extend even to them. until God answers that prayer, however, it is still this: