"God's word"
vintage photo and papers, old bible cover, glued
gregory a. milinovich
"God's word" (detail)
as i mentioned last week, i finally rediscovered my collage space, down in the corner of the basement. i had to do a little organizing, but it didn't take long for the creative juices to get flowing. as i started putting things in their "right' place, i felt myself getting excited as new ideas popped into my head, and previously unrelated items began to make connections.
i had been looking at some work by other artists, and was inspired by some of the more simple ones, especially the art of david wallace. so this is perhaps, a bit derivative, but it's just a direction i want to explore and incorporate into my own style. this particular one has an individual leaning to our left, head swelling with the word of God. the backing for the collage is a very old altar bible cover, with a decorative bevel, and obviously quite worn. it made for a really interesting canvas, in my opinion, and i liked the shape of the northern border of new york state as a kind of statuesque bust for the figure. it appears the binding on the Bible was glued at some point, and that explains the tape residue along the bottom of the collage. it creates an interesting foil to the character at the center. hope you enjoy.