o foul weather, you draconian devil! on friday i was getting out the porch chairs and the lathering on the banana boat tanning oil, now i'm putting on my longjohns to go out and shovel several inches of snow. while you were busy teasing us and meddling with our tender hopes, i was busy noticing these tiny little signposts, pointing towards redemption. but now, you've tightened the wintry noose with a frozen white cord. but i will remember that
but now, you've tightened the wintry noose with a frozen white cord. still, i will remember that underneath that dastardly blanket lies these heralds of hope, a green, enduring trumpet song that will not be muted. so, sing, you heralds! play your great green marches! make the music that announces birth and life and victory! spring will come, she will!
herald - (hair-uhld) - n. 1. a person or thing who announces important news
looking out my window right now i can't even tell there is a road - so much snow!