hey all: one more halloweeny post before we officially move on to november. on thursday jack had his halloween program at preschool, in which he and his classmates dressed up like pumpkins and 'sang' songs for the parents. in jack's case, by 'sing' i mean that he stuck his hands in his pockets and grinned. still, it was fun to see him, and it was just another reminder at how quickly all these moments pass us by. parenting is a whirlwind. but a delightful one. enjoy the pics from the program.
everybody needs to laugh. one good way i have found to make that happen is to do a simple google image search for 'bad haircut.' when you do so, some of the following gems show up. thankfully, my 9th grade school picture does NOT show up. otherwise, it would certianly make this list! please laugh freely and without inhibition. thank you and have a nice day.
cade was adoreable too!