this is a collage i made earlier this week. i gave myself time to work on several this week, and it seems like when i do that i feel better about life in general. it is therapeutic for me. anyway, feel free to check out my art for sale here. i've got about 21 pieces for sale there and several of them are ones that are new to the site. i have sold 7 collages so far, which is something i never dreamed i would do. it is humbling just seeing my work up on that site with other artists from my area who seem much more talented than i. nonetheless, there they are and i invite you to go and check them out.
You are amazingly talented in your collages. Not only your collages, but also your writing. I've looked at the other artists and your collages are better than most. I love the feelings they evoke. Many of the other collages simply seem too planned without emotion. So, don't discount your talent. Honor it, you are very good!