paper and found objects on cardboard panelgregory a. milinovichso here is day two of my 'trash' collection. joel had some interesting things to say in his comments yesterday, about the purpose of art communicating something, and facilitating communion and relationship. as an artist, that seems like such a fearsome call for me, because i'm just so unsure of how to create art that will do that. in fact, i identify more with his earlier statement that postmodern art is often akin to the old testament prophets. when i make a collage, i feel much more like a prophet than a pastor. i feel more like challenging myself and others than anything else.and that leads me back to the idea of garbage/rubbage/trash as art. the prophets used objects around them to make a point. i wonder if this isn't very much the same thing. could our commercialism, our materialism, our consumerism be put on trial by art that juxtapositions its wares in such a way as to show the inanity and insanity of it?
a collection of words about God and life and art and baseball and football and hope and my family and my ministry and music and the immense joy in each moment of all of it. it's a record of being human. welcome.
The trick is figuring out how to use your materials, media, and social context to do just that. That is the hard part. Are you just seeing the beauty in the colors and diversity of the trash and making something else celebrating that. How can you work in elements that lead the viewer to see themselves...maybe you need to see your own consumerism in it first?