don't know if you're following along with my creative retelling of the esther story or not, but just in case you are jumping in late, this 10-day look at the book of esther is a kind of celebration of my 40,000 visitors here at agentorangerecords. you should probably all be showering me with gifts, but since i'm in a good mood, i'm giving you a gift! just click here and follow the simple instructions for a chance to win one on my handmade collages. thanks again for stopping by! esther five has two scenes. first we find esther risking her life by appearing before the king unbidden. however, he extends the golden scepter to her, which means he isn't displeased. she then "touches the end" of his scepter, which results in him offering her whatever she wants, up to half of his kingdom. hmmm. perhaps this story isn't as PG as many like to imagine when thinking about the bible. i'm just sayin. anyway, esther is delaying asking the qu...
a collection of words about God and life and art and baseball and football and hope and my family and my ministry and music and the immense joy in each moment of all of it. it's a record of being human. welcome.