over the thanksgiving holiday, we were blessed to attend the wedding of my cousin nick and his new bride meg. it was fun to be able to attend a wedding with the whole family, and to see so many cousins and aunts and uncles that i don't get to see too often. as you can see, we were all looking dapper. well, except for shannon; she looked stunning, of course.
as you may or may not know, i have a bit of a reputation for being slightly over the top at family weddings. well, i've always had a reputation for being crazy at wedding receptions. any of them. i just can't help it. there's so much joy and music and extremely al dente green beans. so i dance. it just comes over me. well, this has sometimes led to me being the center of attention, and then amped up expectations for the next wedding. so then the idea of wardrobe changes during receptions started entering into the equation. next came props. well, for this wedding i had hoped to come to the reception dressed as a pierogi, but i really had trouble finding a suitable costume for such an underrated potato product. so, since i know the bride is a huge fan of Christmas, i got the scrappiest santa costume i could find, and at one point during the dancing, i disappeared for a few moments. then i came back in with my santa costume (and terrible towel, of course) and we had a blast. the kids were particularly mesmerized, thinking that they had the chance to dance with santa at a wedding. awesome.
it was also great just to see my whole family dance. my 3 boys, especially the older two, were crazy dancing fools! their energy was limitless, and their joy contagious. so much fun.
so, thank you, mick and meg, for inviting us. we had a blast. hope you didn't mind that scraggly santa cutting a rug. at least you aren't likely to forget it! here's to a long lifetime full of hilarious memories (and lots of dancing) for both of you.