when i first started identifiying my unexplainable love of gluing things together, i did some research on the history of collage, and found that, at least as far as mainstream art is concerned, it hasn't had a very stellar reputation. one exception, however, is the work of avant garde artist kurt schwitters (1887-1948) whose self-described "merz" art still inspires many folks today. when i first discovered it, i fell in love with it. to this day i am just as moved by a schwitters as any van gogh. here is a pretty classic example of one of schwitters works:
so i recently thought i would try to somewhat imitate this great master of collage, just to see if i could pay a little homage (in my own way) to schwitters. i had a great deal of fun doing this, as it is a bit of a different style for me (much more angular), and may do more of it in the future. let me know what you think.
paper collage on cardboard panel
gregory a. milinovich