so this is a collage called swamp. i made it in february of last year. it is currently framed in a homemade, hand-painted frame. it is paper collage on a book binding panel. it is 7" x 10". and i am giving it away. i've been wanting to have a blog giveaway for some time, and the time has finally arrived. here's how it works. all you need to do is leave a comment on this post. by leaving a comment you are automatically entered into the contest (as long as your comment offers a way for me to get in touch with you, or you know that i know you). the contest will be open until next wednesday at noon, eastern standard time. at that time the contest will officially be closed and i will pick a random number. the person whose comment matches that number wins! for example, if i happen to pick the number 33, the thirty-third comment will win. oh, and one more rule: you can only post ONCE. if you win, i will send you the collage, signed by me, the artist, free of c...
we don't see ourselves that way, but Jesus does. he looked at peter in the boat, and he looks at us, and he says, "you are good enough."
maybe its just me, but i don't hear jesus saying, "i am good enough to accept you." i hear him saying, "you are good enough."
but that's just me.
He died to pay for our sin. We all fall infinitely short. We are slaves to our sin until He sets us free. It is His goodness and blood that makes us infinitely good before the Father. We are not good until he purchases us.
but i also need to emphasize the "once-and-for-ness" of Christ's redemptive act. it is once and for all. "it is finished" as jesus said. we don't need jesus to die for us again. he died, already. we have been made clean. we have been made new. we are now new creations. the old has passed away.
i think we could all use a healthy dose of seeing ourselves (and each other) the way Christ sees us - as forgiven and beloved children of God. not as a group of followers who are failures and never quite measure up.
my point in all of this is that JESUS CAME TO PETER, not the other way around. by extension, then, my point is that Jesus came to us, not the other way around. 'while we were yet sinners,' jesus came to us and chose us.
there is no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus.
that is my point.
thanks for all the debate, it gets my juices flowing!