so this is a collage called swamp. i made it in february of last year. it is currently framed in a homemade, hand-painted frame. it is paper collage on a book binding panel. it is 7" x 10". and i am giving it away. i've been wanting to have a blog giveaway for some time, and the time has finally arrived. here's how it works. all you need to do is leave a comment on this post. by leaving a comment you are automatically entered into the contest (as long as your comment offers a way for me to get in touch with you, or you know that i know you). the contest will be open until next wednesday at noon, eastern standard time. at that time the contest will officially be closed and i will pick a random number. the person whose comment matches that number wins! for example, if i happen to pick the number 33, the thirty-third comment will win. oh, and one more rule: you can only post ONCE. if you win, i will send you the collage, signed by me, the artist, free of c...
I also like Theoden/Theodore and Isaac, Brennan - more that I can't remember now that I clicked on comment.
anyway, thank you both for your postive votes rather than bashing one of the names on our list. that is very nice and considerate.
my favorite name, jesus, not pronounced hay-zoose but actually pronounced gee-sus, was eliminated from the list by shannon.
ps. mary, i'm glad you are alive.
sorry, bill. it's a no-go.
i absolutely agree that the name will, in a sense, choose itself. that's how we arrived at jackson. we came up with a kind of "short list" of names we agreed on, and then, once he was born, we just both felt like that was the name that fit him.
this process will likely go much the same. and i just wanted everyone to look at the list and feel like they had some input into the process. the truth is that we will absolutely and completely ignore anything and everything all of you have said, instead opting to choose the names that look and sound and mean right to us. but, just to give you the illusion of having valuable input, please continue to comment on your favorites. so far it looks like popular opinion has our little fetus being an isaac. ike for short.
i like ike.
anyway, a warm welcome to dan brennan, my cousin-in-law(?)who put his two cents in. good to have you, dan. clearly, the only reason brennan is on our list is because we wanted to name our son after the billiards champ of western pa. we briefly considered naming him dan brennan milinovich, but we thought that might be a bit obvious. we are ALL about discrete. anyway, welcome...
i digress..
lucky for us, we get to choose two this time. I love that our choices are not on your list!
such a cool list- how many did you add and how many did shannon add, I wonder?
not that it matters much at all, but I have a certain place in my heart for samuel. jack and sam sound good together. i'm also one that likes to put all the family names together and see how they sound as a unit. weird? nah, not really.
oliver is also good. not too many of those around and I'm all for a traditional name without being too widely overused. Your list does a good job at this, well, not all traditional, but lots not so widely used.
as you can see I'm rambling, so I'll be quiet now and let the name choosing game continue in your little minds.
I will say one last thing though, our boy's names just 'came to me', it was as though there was no other name for that child and they often come early on in my pregnancy. I love that. And they usually come to me as I'm drifing off to sleep or at church- not sure how those two coorelate, but that's how it happens.
ps. also like griffin... a lot. reminds me of a favorite book series I own. hmmmm