last week i tried to remind myself and any of you reading that Jesus isn't interested in calling only the squeaky-clean or those who have all of their cracks and tears all covered up and hidden. but somehow many of us still let ourselves "off the hook," by assuming that the people that Jesus is really interested in are the religious people. people like priests and pastors. people like walt, the guy who leads two different bible studies at church, always attends the special church events, and reads bible commentaries in his spare time. we sometimes allow ourselves to buy the lie that says, "those are the real Jesus-followers. you don't have time for that. you've got your career and your family and your retirement and your hobbies and your busy schedule to worry can follow Jesus just by going to church sometimes." and we do. and we check the box. but i happen to think that Jesus is actually inviting people - regul...
a collection of words about God and life and art and baseball and football and hope and my family and my ministry and music and the immense joy in each moment of all of it. it's a record of being human. welcome.